Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Say hello to my babygirl

i would like to introduce to the class my babygirl, and if you can't already tell she is a spoiled brat. 
she is adorable and she knows it. 
i love her <3
she is an 8 years old Bichon Frise.
she rules my household and she takes full advantage of that.
i would like to think I'm the princess of  the house but nope she takes the crown. 

smile :)

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Adding a "blog roll" to the side of your blog

This is a 2 step process:

1. Go to Dr. Bogad's blog and under her comments which was the assignment so she and everyone else can find your blog.
2. Copy the URL from the comment of each person seperately
3. Go to your blogger dashboard and click ADD a blog; paste the blog address under "Add from URL" and click the follow button.
       *After you have done this for everyone in the class
4. Go to your blog and click Design on the top right corner.
5. Go to Layout
6. Click "add a gadget" and find "blog list" add it.
7. Once you name your blog list you can add everyone in the class by clicking "add to your blog list" then "Blogs I'm Following"


Any questions or comments don't be shy I can try and help in any way I can :)

smile :)

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Talking Points #1: Croteau


not sure if i got the concept of the article correctly but here are some thoughts:
first i think this video sorta sums it up a little, and its somewhat funny, but then again what does that say about what we know but don't do anything about but just laugh at it.
then about the article:
i think that media plays on its audiences emotions and what they feel they can relate to, like something similar to their lives experiences, people's reality, etc...
this was the audience can buy into whatever message they are trying to portray without questioning the validity of it.
people seem to believe everything they hear or see on the media, because why else would it be there if "it was not true".
another thing that media does very well is, only focus on "news" that they want to focus on and news that they want the audience to talk about in that particular moment. this also helps cover or not really shine light on other problems that going on daily in our communities without any news coverage because it is not important or because is something we now see as normal or how things just are.
Sometimes I feel that we want to question some of the things shown on media, but since "we don't know any better" or is the only side of the story we see, we take it as being truth.
something that media does very well is portray others in "similar" situations but worse than we are, so we are content with how things are, because now we believe and see that others are worse off.
just want to touch a little about politicians just because it was mentioned in the article and that is that, politicians not only use media to their advantage against their running mate but also for their own gain. sometimes when something "leaks", it is most likely that they themselves wanting it to, so that they can flip whatever situation to their advantage. 

smile :)

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Hola :D xoxo

my name is kenia trinidad ....
i was born and raised in the Dominican Republic came to the United States when i was 10 years old. i was raised by my father and his 2 sisters whom i call "mami". i am 28 years young and i refuse to grow up. i got married at the age of 25, i do not have any children, but if i mention a "daughter" that would be my 8 year old bichon frise Cinderella (my 3 year old niece at the time named her), but we call her Cindy or most often CindyBaby. i am also getting another puppy a boy this time, but you will hear about him in other posts soon enough.
what i did over break?
really simple: ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!!
i did nothing and i loved every second of it.
i am taking this class because I am a senior graduating in May as a Gender & Women's Studies Major and an Africana Studies Minor, and this class was one of the requirements, there were other options but this one seemed interesting so here i am.
when I am not in class/school i am either working, watching sports (mostly football and baseball), with my friends having girl talk or a drink or both, or spending some lovely quality time with my husband, and if i'm not doing any of those things i'm either sleeping or eating which are my two most favorite things to do in the entire world besides traveling.

i am eager to learn from each and everyone of you and looking forward to this my final semester.

smile :)